Grain-free purple-skinned sweet potato
Grain-free purple-skinned sweet potato
- Nutrition & Diet Health Certified
- Safe and Hygienic, Exclusive Studio
- Superior Craftsmanship in Pet Cake Artistry, Exceeding Industry Standards
Pairs well with
Chicken, chicken egg, cheese, goat milk powder, pumpkin, sweet potato, yam,purple sweet potato powder
Grain-free purple sweet potato treats are protein-rich, calcium-rich snacks full of dietary fibre which assist in the regulating of the intestinal tract.
Chicken breast meat can assist in engorging the appetite, allowing easier digestion, boost immunity, strengthen the musculature and the skeleton. It is rich in protein, low in fat, the provision of the necessary amino acids is better than beef and pork by percentage, and has enough saturated and desaturated fats, easily absorbed by the body as required.
Sweet potatoes are full of vitamin C, aiding in boosting immunity. More importantly, the vitamin C in sweet potatoes would not be destroyed during the cooking process via heating. Sweet potatoes are also rich in dietary fibre, dietary fibre when consumed alongside the tissues within sweet potatoes themselves, allowing for the peristalsis of the intestines. For dogs with diarrhoea it is of good help for lessening the condition. The skins of sweet potatoes contain polyphenols known as chlorogenic acid, with antioxidant effects, able to slow the effects of aging. At the same time, it could halt the build-up of fat, especially the fat within the organs as well as subdermal subcutaneous fat.
Cheese contains large amounts of calcium and could assist in the building of teeth and bones. Cheese is rich in protein, fat, vitamins, and other minerals; it is low in cholesterol, assisting in the prevention of diseases, engage in the metabolism, protecting the health of eyes, as well as cosmetically-enhancing fur. Cheese also contain lactobacillus, aiding in the regulation of gut flora, preventing both constipation and diarrhoea.
Egg white is 12% protein, most of it is ovalbumin. Egg white also contain ribofin, nic acids, biotin, alongside calcium, phosphorus and iron, and other trace minerals. Egg yolk is mostly composed of lecithin, fat content is 28.2%, the fats being of lecithin of the phospholipid group. Egg yolk is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D, and is high in iron, phosphorus, sulphur, calcium and among other trace minerals.
Pumpkin contains ketones of beta-carotene; within the body it is broken down into vitamin A which is important for biological functions. It is also rich in botanical cellulose, and it tastes sweet, something which dogs prefer, This suits dogs with picky palates, dogs who need to lose weight, and dogs who have weak gastrointestinal constitution.
Yams could help in aiding the spleen and stomach, helping in the ease of digestion, with mucous proteins, and having the effect of lowering blood-sugar levels.
Remove the package, place in microwave oven and heat for 30 seconds.
Or place in steamer for 5 minutes.
Or place in room-temperature environment for 20 minutes before feeding, to prevent chilling the gastrointestinal system.
Our products are freshly made when you order. All products arrive packed with thermal packaging and ice-pack to preserve freshness.Each packet is clearly marked with a "best before" date on the packaging.The product can be refrigerated for up to 3 days, and frozen for 4 weeks. To keep the product fresh, place within refrigerators, do not place under room-temperature conditions.